Saturday, February 27, 2016


Family, Friends, Interested Readers,

Welcome!  Or should I say Farewell?  Most of you have found yourselves migrating here from Facebook, and this is where we can now engage.  I want to take this first post to say thank you for caring, for loving, for seeing potential even when the light may have been dim.  You bequeath me immense gratitude, and this is here for me to share in growth with you
Since this is the intro piece, I'd like to share my recent Facebook post detailing why I'd be deactivating my page, so that you can get an idea of why I'm launching this blog and the growth I've undergone to get here

After the jump, I'll outline what I expect this blog to look like, things you call can expect to look out for, and ways that we can stay consistently engaged.  But first, the why:

"I've grown and made a lot of major changes these last few months. I've realized that time only slips away and that I got too much to offer to sit around and atrophy. I get up at 5 every morning, meditate, usually workout, read extensively, have enrolled in a few MOOCS, am readying to head to an ashram for at least 3 months, and just generally looking to build up skills and set goals high while developing a fastidious discipline
I feel great! I have more energy, I'm more productive, I'm in much better shape and adding muscle/weight, I'm calmer and more relaxed. Attachments mean a lot less to me now; I'm not chasing women anymore. I've said that my ambitions are to be POTUS one day and that means very hard work every day.  There is no waiting
With that said, the next logical step for me is to step off of here (Facebook) for a while. It engulfs a massive amount of my time. I'm largely not happy or inspired by what I see and the information quality is pretty low. I spend endless time in often silly conversations
I've come to the realization that social media is at best a way to AMPLIFY an audience/network you've already built up. I've failed to do that on a genuine level, hence the fact that my posts get little reaction no matter how original the content, how strong the writing quality, or even the shock value. You can be the greatest speaker in the world, but Obama didn't become President just because he was a genius behind the mic. He knew how to get people invested in him and then once he got them in, he inspired
I hope my posts and writing have been inspiring. I hope you have been nudged to think a bit differently than what would have been typical. I hope i've made you smile, cry, and laugh at many points. I hope there have been times where we've shared experiences, no matter the age or how different we may be. I sincerely thank all of you who have provided words of encouragement when I thought I was in my own world
I almost came to use Facebook as a sort of unvarnished stream-of-consciousness; a Twitter with teeth and fleshed out ideas. This is STILL the power of Facebook--- it is the first PERSONAL history book, and I hope more people will truly see that magical element and run with it, rather than the detritus we currently see
This "social" deactivation will also apply to my real social life. At the end of the month, I commit to not going out, not kicking with friends, etc. I'm only out for work, a workout, or opportunities to make legitimate money. I had just stretched myself for a while while circling aimlessly; this is my time to develop focus, purpose, and study like a demon. Time will be spent on physical, spiritual, artistic, and intellectual development. Please no texts or calls unless it is urgent or you just miss me that much!
A number of greats have rhapsodized about the need for productive solitude and monotony. This will be a time to sit with myself and face myself until I know I am once again ready.  Until I know I'm Derek and not Derelict
I'll document my time at this Ashram to the best of my ability (with the whole hour I have free every day). I'll get an HQ camera and use pictures that I can write to. I'm a good raconteur to begin with and I will be meeting some of the most fascinating characters the world has to offer. There will be ample to share!

This is truly an "it's not you, it's me" moment. It's an act of love: I love how much how many of you have loved me. I've matured enough to admit I've failed all of you in many ways: lack of patience, an often callous indifference to other's problems, my own work ethic and misguided focus, too much focus on me, myself and I (probably too much of that in this letter). I promise I can do more and that I will do more and that I won't waste what y'all have invested in so many times!
Expect a message similar to this with ways to contact me, my address at the Ashram, etc. etc. I'll probably shut this down in 1-2 weeks and may not return until the end of July. By then, I can change back to Derek
With Love,

Heartfelt, I know.  If that doesn't explain the rationale for my change enough, we can talk about that more, or perhaps it can be an evolving writing topic.  Now, beyond the sentimentality!   Why come here and invest your valuable time with me?  Why here instead of elsewhere?  What can you plan on seeing?

To answer that, let's split it into three categories:  Guarantees, You-and-Me's, and Possibilities.  Let's start with the Guarantees


Guarantees are the things that I absolutely commit to upon launching this blog.  They are the indelible qualities, things that are a matter of routine.  They will be here.  I can guarantee, for now:

  • There will be a daily post.  It can be something as small as a short quote.  It could be a poem or short story.  It could be a longer form essay.  I'll also have pictures and videos.  In that sense, it will look similar to my Facebook, but more involved
  • There will be context.  I'll make sure that I introduce what I'm talking about, which will typically mean a story about whatever incited my post.  That way, you'll get a deeper, fuller glimpse into what I'm perceiving
    • If I post a photo, link, video, etc., it will always have accompanying text.  I won't just drop things on you without leading you in!
  • I'll keep you updated!  If you know me, you know that I am very vulnerable and self-aware.  There isn't much that I won't share, especially if I think the story can also help elucidate other people's experience
    • If you want to know more, just ask!  Which leads to......


You-And-Me's are essentially the rules of engagement.  They are what I need from you to make the best of me and to give the most back.  They are how we make this experience good for everyone!

  • Constant feedback. Comments are most preferred and welcome!
  • Take my requests seriously:  I will ask for many things from y'all.  Some will be very small and simple.  Some may be a bit higher order.  Others may require direct interaction between us.  Here are some examples:
    • Words of the day:  I ask you for new words to learn and force myself to either write a piece on them or use them in the piece
    • Essay topics:  I may ask you to send me a stimulating news article, picture, story, sensation, etc.  One day, I may ask for your favorite philosophical quote; on others I may simply ask you to share one thing new you saw during the day
    • Special day requests:  I.e. on my birthday, sending me a book, or on President's day, informing me about the greatest U.S. speech I've never heard.  These will obviously come with those special days
    • Like I said above, it is crucial that you ask me questions!  This could turn into regular posts (Sorry, advice columns leave people more confused), question-and-answers, or the simple 1-1 engagement
  • Read my entire posts.  Some may be long, many will undoubtedly be short.  To be fair to one another, we need to make sure we are interfacing with the same content.  If you don't read everything, I probably won't get the best feedback from you, and my writing may stay too long.  Let's not let the vicious cycle happen!
  • Encouragement and inspiration.  I wouldn't want you to be reading my blog if I didn't think I could inspire you, and vice-versa!  So please, never be afraid to share with me or even ask me to delve into a topic!

This is what you can expect as I grow.  They are the things I'm aspiring toward but not at just yet.  Keep them in your back pocket, because they may be cashed in one day
  • Patents and entrepreneurial insights/business travails
  • More pictures:  currently, all I have is a very low megapixel camera.  As said above, I do plan on upgrading and learning the craft, but right now the quality may be rather remedial
  • Longer publishing:  things like books, more scholarly essays, speeches, and pieces of art.  This will come as time goes
  • Migrating the blog to a bigger, sexier website.  This site is essentially a test run.  I will have limited access in a month and I want to see what traction this can get in a limited amount of time before I go on to purchase mostly web host services.  I'm learning here but expecting to move on to more
Ok, that ain't everything, but it should be a solid image of what I'm looking to do with this.  There is no particular one purpose, and my versatility will ensure that this will be an enriching experience, or at least an eccentric one!

I'm looking forward to reading, writing, exploring, and inspiring with all of you!




  1. Thank you Paul! Glad we share a common trait :)

  2. Mind sharing some of your work?

  3. how do you feel anout primary elections at leat mcginty got the boot

  4. how do you feel anout primary elections at leat mcginty got the boot

  5. how do you feel anout primary elections at leat mcginty got the boot
