Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Morning Walk: A Routine Challenge

Posture good, arms held up, breathing good, and a smile.....

I added a morning walk to the routine!  As science has been pretty consistent in showing, exercise is crucial to a healthy brain and creativity.  It allows your brain to think diffusely, letting in thoughts and allowing for relaxation.  You get a chance to observe the natural world.  The commotion of a city comes to you

My walk was for about 15 minutes, amidst a number of other morning tasks, placed at a time to give me a refresher from more challenging mental work.  I went about walking in a way that utilized a few different muscles.   Here's how (and something you ought to try):

  • Good posture.  Chest out, shoulders up, back straight.  Stand tall and do this intentionally for the duration of the walk
  • Keep your arms held up at your side, almost in a "Jesus" pose.  They will be in a straight line at the height of your shoulders.  This will build strength, endurance, and fortitude, because it will hurt about halfway through.  If the hold becomes too painful, do the same but put your arms either out in front of you (a "zombie" pose) or above the head
  • Breath right.  Slowly in, slowly out.  Be in control!
  • Keep a large smile plastered on your face.  This may engage others as an externality, but the intent is to get your day started positively (the science is behind smiling too!)
Doing the door of these together sets the stage for a productive and positive day.  It brings to you balance (posture), strength (the arms), tranquility (the breath) and happiness (the smile).  This is hard to do all together without missing one but with practice, it will all just be one powerful movement.  Try it and let me know how it goes!

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