Thursday, March 3, 2016

When You Know You've Grown and Are on to Success

Do you ever have those moments when you just know you are on to something?  That your existence and purpose are something special?  Perhaps you are just imbued with a dogged spirit?

A heuristic to work with to measure this is when anomalies are no longer anomalies;  the things that had once seemed so distant now are so frequent.  With such frequency comes the building of a great capacity to draw out all the richness and nourish the nuance of the experience.  You'll take the previously "random", now happening so often, and build it in tandem with your insightfulness.  At some point, you will just know it is happening, and as you begin to really ascertain how often it happens, your determination and alignment with grand purpose will come together piece by piece

The more this happens, the less you will see as just the fracas of every day life.  The more mindful you will be to the bits and pieces of everything.  You will be able to take the scattered and make it seminal.  Each development will make you stronger

Making this a bit more practical will be something I work on.  I've just had too many moments like these constantly crystallizing and then crescendoing to not share.  It's beautiful and more people need to share in that beauty!


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